
About Lead-Deadwood

Lead-Deadwood is home to the Golddiggers! We are proud to represent the communities of Lead, Deadwood, and Central City and as members of the Black Hills Conference. Our teams participate in the sports of football, boys golf, cross country, volleyball, and sideline cheer in the Fall season as well as girls’ and boys’ basketball, sideline cheer, and wrestling during the winter season.  In the spring, our students can choose to run track or play girl’s golf.  We also have several activities to choose from such as oral interpretation, art club, speech/drama, school plays, chorus and band – all of which we’ve had great success in as well!

Our school has had a rich tradition having had several individual state champions in wrestling, track and golf as well as team champs in golf!  The Diggers compete in Class A for the SDHSAA.  The other conference schools are Belle Fourche, Sturgis, Spearfish, Rapid City Christian, Hot Springs, Hill City, Custer, St. Thomas More, Red Cloud and Douglas High Schools.

Come out and support Digger Nation!


Activities and personnel listed below

Slider is playing

Photographs courtesy of Claussen Photography



Art Club

Advisor: Oliver Burgoyne


Advisor: Sarah Rathert

Basketball (Boys High School)

Head Coach: Dan Janssen
Assistant Coach: Clem Robinson

9th Grade/C Team: Brandon Webb

Basketball (Boys Middle School)

Coaches: Darren LaCriox and Josh Morovits

Basketball (Girls High School)

Head Coach: Chad McCarty
Assistant Coach: Peyton McCreery-Storms

Assistant Coach: Lily McCarty
C Team Coach: Stephanie Wiegand

Basketball (Girls Middle School)

Coaches: Darren LaCriox and Josh Morovits

Builders Club

Advisor: Wendy Walkins

Cheer (High School Football)

Advisor: Katelynn Clement

Cheer (High School Basketball)

Advisor: Katelynn Clement

Cross County

Coach: Dr. Erik Person
Assistant Coach: Joe McKeown


Head Advisor: Shaley Lensegrav
Assistant Advisor: Amanda Jones

Dance (High School and Middle School)

Head Coach: Katelynn Clement

Debate/Oral Interp

Head Coach: Courtney Pierce
Assistant Coach: Kayla Besco

Football (High School)

Head Coach: Kyle Kooima
Assistant Coach: Alex Kolski
Assistant Coach: Anthony Pigsley
Assistant Coach: Cody Brotsky

Football (Middle School)

Head Coach: Brad Myers
Assistant Coach: Zack Clement


Boys Coach: Tim Hansen
Girls Coach: Tim Hansen

Junior Class / Prom Advisor

Advisor: Gary Linn

Key Club

Advisor: Wendy Walkins

Knowledge Bowl (High School and Middle School)

Advisor: Anna Bridge

National Honor Society

Advisor: Betty Campbell



Speech and NFL

Head Advisor:
Assistant Advisor:

Student Council (Elementary)

Advisors: Shannon Mollman and Pam Smith

Student Council (High School)

Advisor: Gary Linn

Student Council (Middle School)

Advisors: Sam Grant and Wendy Walkins

Track (High School)

Head Coach: Will Malde
Assistant Coach: Tony Althoff
Assistant Coach: Lenessa Keehn
Assistant Coach: Jarred Burlson

Track (Middle School)

Head Coach: Josh Morovits
Assistant Coach: Bonnie LeCates
Assistant Coach: Rob Lester

Assistant Coach: Samantha Grant


Instrumental/Pep Band: Sarah Rathert
Vocal Music: Doug Olson

Volleyball (High School)

Head Coach: Ashley Oyen
Assistant Coach: Kristine Webb
Head 9th Grade Coach: Becky Conard

Volleyball (Middle School)

Head Coach: Sam Grant
Assistant Coach: Kayla Nelson

Wrestling (High School)

Head Coach: Mike Sneesby
Assistant Coach: Sean Badwound

Wrestling (Middle School)

Head Coach: Kelly Singer

Yearbook / Nugget (High School)

Advisor: Kim Loeffen

Yearbook (Middle School)

Advisor: Laura Fravel