Just a reminder that if you are planning to play a Fall sport - football, volleyball, cross country, boys' golf, or cheerleading, you will need a physical before you can start to practice. This is for any student - girl or boy - who is in middle school or high school. Now would be a great time to take care of it even for the winter and spring sports. Thank you Mr. Nepodal
over 1 year ago, Activities Department
Lead-Deadwood Clothe-A-Kid IT’S NOT TOO LATE TO REGISTER Register your students for this year’s Clothe-A-Kid Program to receive new clothes for the 2023-2024 school year. This is a program meant to assist families in getting their student(s) ready for the new school year. Students in the Lead-Deadwood School System K-12 will shop at Wal-Mart during a scheduled time on Aug. 16th or Aug. 17th. Parents must register their student(s) and sign up for shopping time. You can register at www.clotheakid.org until July 31st. Sweatshirts will be available to those who register by July 11th. You do not need to prove need. You can contact Sue Holloway @ 605-920-7788 if you have any questions. (The Lead-Deadwood School District neither endorses nor sponsors the organization or activity represented in this document.)
almost 2 years ago, Web Admin
High School Summer School Registration is due this Thrusday, May 25th. To register, please get in touch with the school counselor, Rhonda Britzman. 605-717-3899.
almost 2 years ago, Mark Jacobs
Be ready for next year and schedule your free Sports Physical! Monument Health is providing free physicals at Urgent Care locations in the hills.
almost 2 years ago, Web Admin
Free Sports Physicals
For any students who want to go out for cross-country next fall, there will be a short informational meeting at 3:30 on Tuesday in the boardroom, first floor, across from the high school office.
almost 2 years ago, Superintendent Person
Reminder for tomorrow, the bus will leave @ 8:45am for the Senior Parade at the elementary school. After returning to the HS, students will do their hand prints on the 3rd floor of the HS, followed by graduation/class day practice. If you have questions please call the HS office @ 505-717-3899
almost 2 years ago, Mark Jacobs
Please don't forget to join us on Monday for the Booster Club Awards Night and Tailgate Meal on Monday! Food starts at 6:30 followed by awards for all sports from this past school year. Freshman and sophomores are reminded to bring desserts while juniors are in charge of refreshments. Thank you and see you Monday! Mr. Nepodal
almost 2 years ago, Activities Department
My apologies for the continued texts and messages but my final one of the day - the Black Hills Conference track meet has been rescheduled for Tuesday, May 16, 2023 - it will start with field events at 9:00 and running events at 10:00 and it will be held in Spearfish on the campus of BHSU. Thank you for your patience. Mr. Nepodal
almost 2 years ago, Activities Department
The Black Hills Conference track meet for today has been officially postponed - further details as to the make-up date will be released soon. Thank you. Mr. Nepodal
almost 2 years ago, Activities Department
The BHC track meet in Spearfish is still a go today - field events are at 9:00 and running events will begin at 10:00.
almost 2 years ago, Activities Department
The Black Hills Conference Track Meet will be held tomorrow - Friday, May 12, 2023 at Spearfish. Start time for field events will be 9:00 with running events TBD (either 10:00 or 10:30). Good luck tracksters and coaches! Mr. Nepodal
almost 2 years ago, Activities Department
The Lead-Deadwood Music Department presents the LDHS Symphonic Band Spring Concert! Monday, May 8th in the LDHS Auditorium at 7:00 pm. More information: ttps://5il.co/1tsi4
almost 2 years ago, Web Admin
Band Concert
Calendar update- The last day of school for students in Lead-Deadwood will be May 26, due to the number of snow days. We had waited to sent this out until we could be pretty sure that we would not have to move the date back again. This adds 1 day to the school calendar. Thank you.
almost 2 years ago, Superintendent Person
Just a reminder that our End of the Year Awards Ceremony and Banquet will be on Monday, May 15th - the Booster Club will sponsor a taco bar and help us celebrate the outstanding achievements of all high school athletes this past school year! Starts at 6:30 and it will be held in Gym 2 at the High School! Thank you! Mr. Nepodal
almost 2 years ago, Activities Department
Reminder: All 9-11 grade students will be taking the MAP assessment this Wednesday, May 3rd, and next Wednesday, May 10th from 8:30-10:00 am. Students will need their laptop charged and ready to go. Seniors DO NOT need to report until 3rd period on these days. If you have questions please contact the HS office at 605-717-3899.
almost 2 years ago, Mark Jacobs
LDHS Students attended SDHSAA Region Large Group Contest April 26 in Rapid City HS A Cappella Choir Congratulations on THREE SUPERIOR RATINGS! Go Diggers!
almost 2 years ago, Web Admin
A Cappella Choir
We would love to have you join us for the Spring Concert and Art show on Monday, May 1st at the high school from 7:00-8:00. Come early and check out the art pieces created by our students and stay for some spring time tunes from our HS Choir groups!
almost 2 years ago, Activities Department
night at the arts
Our high school track meet scheduled for next Tuesday at Belle Fourche has been moved up one day and will now be on Monday, April 24th instead. Same start time - just one day earlier. Thank you. Mr. Nepodal
almost 2 years ago, Activities Department
The Girls Golf meet scheduled for Thursday, April 20th at Belle Fourche has been postponed and will be rescheduled for Thursday, May 11th. Thank you. Mr. Nepodal
almost 2 years ago, Activities Department
Introducing the 2023 Lead-Deadwood High School Prom King and Queen. Congratulations Kennedy and Greyson!
almost 2 years ago, Web Admin
King / Queen