All 11th grade make up Smarter Balanced exams are scheduled for Monday, May 2nd @ 1:45 in the High School Resource Room. If your students has missed an exam they will be required to be present. If you have any questions please call the high school office @ 717-3899.
almost 3 years ago, Mark Jacobs
The high school track meet on May 10th in Rapid City has been cancelled due to conflicts on their part. Mr. Nepodal
almost 3 years ago, Activities Department
In honor of Teacher Appreciation Week, we would like to offer a shout-out to all the wonderful staff here at the Middle School. Please take a moment to fill out the following form. You may submit it as many times as you'd like. Thank you
almost 3 years ago, LDMS School Counselor
Girls golf scheduled for Friday at Boulder Canyon (Sturgis Invite) has been cancelled due to the condition of the course. This will not be rescheduled. Mr. Nepodal
almost 3 years ago, Activities Department
Due to the forecast and current winter storm watch for this weekend the Lead-Deadwood Prom and Post Prom Activities will move to Friday, April 29th. All scheduled times and venues for Grand March, the dance, and post prom will remain the same as they would have in the original date.
almost 3 years ago, Mark Jacobs
The BHC middle school track meet has been moved from Friday to Thursday (April 28) due to projected weather issues in Friday. Mr. Nepodal
almost 3 years ago, Activities Department
LDHS Academic Awards Night will continue as scheduled tonight at 6:00pm in the HS auditorium.
almost 3 years ago, Mark Jacobs
Lead-Deadwood Elementary invites you to send compliments and words of encouragement to school staff in honor of Teacher Appreciation Week (May 2-7). Please complete as many as you would like by Monday, May 2nd.
almost 3 years ago, LDES PBIS Team
Parents/Guardians will be responsible for paying for meals during the 22-23 school year. Please read this important message about meals. If you believe your family meets income eligibility for Free/Reduced meals, fill out the 21-22 form now.
almost 3 years ago, Web Admin
Order your 2022 Yearbook before it is to late!! YEARBOOK ORDERING - To order your 2022 Yearbook "The Goldenlode" online by credit card - 1. Go to 2. Type in Lead-Deadwood 3. The choose "Buy Book" and select the options you would like in your book. Questions? Contact Ms. Loeffen - Order from the HS office using this form:
almost 3 years ago, Web Admin
Due to the impending weather, Belle Fourche has CANCELLED their MS Track meet for this Saturday, April 23rd. It will not be rescheduled. Mr. Nepodal
almost 3 years ago, Activities Department
HS baseball scheduled for tonight at home has been postponed and will be rescheduled for another date.
almost 3 years ago, Activities Department
Lead-Deadwood Middle School will begin taking the Smarter Balanced assessments next week. You can find the schedule under Events on the school website and app. Please make sure your student is on-time and well rested on their testing days. Free breakfast is served from 7:45-8:20 in HS Cafeteria. Please notify the school as soon as possible if your student will be absent for testing so we can reschedule. Thank you for all you do.
almost 3 years ago, LDMS School Counselor
Just a quick note that both the HS track meet (Friday) and the MS track meet (Saturday) in Spearfish are still planning to be held. With the recent weather, I wanted to make sure that information was out there. Best of luck Diggers! Mr. Nepodal
almost 3 years ago, Activities Department
Congratulations to the LDHS Student Council for receiving the SDHSAA Outstanding Student Council Award!!
almost 3 years ago, Web Admin
Student Council
Information for Seniors! Class Day and Graduation Schedule can be found here:
almost 3 years ago, Web Admin
Class Day/Graduation Schedule
Dear Parent/Guardian, Lead-Deadwood High School Juniors will be participating in state required assessments beginning April, 7th 2022. We ask that your child be present and well rested on their assessment dates (4/7, 4/12, 4/13, 4/25, 4/28). If you know that your student will be absent, please notify the school so a make-up test can be scheduled. The results of both assessments help teachers and administrators make decisions about future instructional and curricular improvements. You should expect to receive your student’s assessment results by the end of this school year. The South Dakota Science Assessment measures students’ mastery of the South Dakota State Academic Standards in Science at grades 5, 8, and 11. This test will cover the grade spans of 3-5, 6-8, and high school. Questions will come equally as possible from life, physical, and earth sciences at all 3 tested levels. This assessment will be completely online, and accommodations are provided based on individual student’s needs. SBAC- South Dakota is part of the SMARTER Balanced Assessment Consortium, or SBAC. The SBAC is a consortium of states that have been working collaboratively to develop a student assessment system aligned to the State Standards in English language arts and math. The SBAC focus is on assessing students annually in grades 3-8 and 11. The system includes both summative and interim assessments and will use computer adaptive testing technologies to the greatest extent possible to provide meaningful feedback and actionable data that teachers and other educators can use to help students succeed. Accommodations are provided based on individual student needs. Mark Jacobs Principal Lead-Deadwood High School
almost 3 years ago, Mark Jacobs
LDHS 2021-2022 Yearbooks are on sale now!
almost 3 years ago, Web Admin
LDHS Seeks Hall of Fame Nominations. Read more here:
almost 3 years ago, Web Admin
Post Prom fundraiser: Looking for formal attire? We have it! All formal attire will be for sale by donation March 18th 5-7 pm March 19th 9-11 am Christian Ministry Center (CMC) 7 South Main St. Lead, SD
almost 3 years ago, Mark Jacobs