The school district is allowing students to wear hats during the school day. This new rule has been a very positive reaction from students. Though, hats are allowed, the school is still not allowing hoods. Some of the teachers do not approve of this new rule, but for the most part, its had a very positive effect.
Sophomore Peyton P. said, “The new policy is awesome and spectacular.” Lots of the boys in the school really appreciate this new policy because many of them wear hats inside as much as they do outside of school, and now they can continue during the school day.
Ms. Kim Loeffen said, “I find the hats very disconcerting when looking at my classroom. It is a big adjustment to not ask the students to remove the hats. It just takes time to get used to the policy.” More teachers are opposed to the new policy, but it is what it is.
Some students in every class have hats on during the day. The policy allows students to wear hats in class, but only if their hats do not cover their faces. Hats will not be allowed if the hats are inappropriate or disrespectful, and if they are, they will be asked to be removed.